The best labour market in the Nordics
The Ami Foundation examines the changing competence needs and structures within the labour market, from the perspectives of people, organisations, and the society as a whole.
We’re constantly learning from our experiments, and we want to carry these experiments out in collaboration with others as much as possible. Municipalities, trade and industry and educational institutions within the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are our natural cooperation partners, but we are always open to new partnerships. We also move boldly and independently towards our vision ourselves.

What we do
- We fund and steer research that bring us closer to our vision.
- We fund and steer experiments that further our mission.
- We bring together thinkers and societal influencers in the field of work, to discuss current themes within the labour market, with us and with each other.
- We bring to light results relating to research, reports, initiatives and experiments through various channels, so that as many as possible might benefit from them.
- We keep in touch with decision makers in order to stay informed, and have an information-based impact on preparatory work.
Our mission
We support people and organisations in the fields of education and development to understand and resolve challenges in the future development and labour markets of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.
Our vision
We want the Helsinki Metropolitan Area to have the best labour market and most skilled individuals and companies in the Nordics.